Our Strategy

Strategy not just for us, but everyone in our value chain.​

In 2016, Globe Union implemented a Corporate Social Responsibility strategy based on thorough evaluation of all operations of the company, and consulted with our stakeholders to identify the activities that were the most important to them.

We audited our achievements against these priorities, and use these to guide us in our continuing efforts to build an ever more sustainable future.


This strategy is described in detail in our Sustainability Reports. Our strategy identified the following priority areas:

  • Social Compliance
  • Economic Performance
  • Product Compliance
  • Customer Health and Safety
  • Environmental Compliance
  • Customer Privacy
  • Product and Service Labeling
  • Products and Services
  • Patent
  • Training and Education
  • Effluents and Waste
  • Emissions
  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Water
  • Energy
  • Employment and Labor Relations

Achievements ​

As a first stage in our strategic plan, we reviewed our certifications and capabilities.
These demonstrate our core commitment to sustainable business, and are evidence for the attention we pay to our sustainability priorities.

Globe Union has made the following achievements that demonstrate our success in meeting our sustainability goals:

The Future

Globe Union continues to work to the highest possible standards and achieve and maintain globally recognized certification standards.
Our research and development into sustainable design leads innovation in this sector, and we continue to produce new designs as we build on our existing excellence.

More on Innovation

More information on our product range including how it meets the highest standards of sustainable manufacture and operation can be found in our news and information on Innovation.