
The growth and success of Globe Union is driven by new product Research & Development.

Globe Union’s investments in proprietary product development, combined with the continuing development and adoption of new technology, enable our customers to maintain their competitive advantage.

Globe Union established a Research & Development Center for high-value kitchen and bathroom products in 2012. Our engineers and designers work with our customers to produce innovative and effective products and technologies.

Efficient and Effective Engineering

Our prototype and modeling facilities double manufacturing process efficiency. Computer-assisted design (CAD) programs for engineered products and mold designs increase the rate of development and how quickly new products can enter the market. Products are tested repeatedly and extensively to ensure they satisfy customer needs for beauty and functionality before being released.

Exceeding Industry Standards

Our Product Development department conducts appropriate tests and obtains necessary certifications to ensure that our products meet or exceed all applicable industry standards.


Globe Union’s Intelligent Use of Research & Development

Our research is based on user experience, a patent roadmap study, and market research.

Our approach to innovation integrates the needs of people with the possibilities of technology.

There are five key focus of Globe Union’s research:

With Great Power
Comes Great Responsibility

At Globe Union, our commitment to high-quality innovative research & development has driven us to becoming a leader in our manufacturing sector.