
Welcoming our stakeholders to become partners in our future success.

Who are Our Stakeholders?

Almost everyone is a stakeholder in the sustainable world we are working toward, as part of a community of people with business interests and as an employer of people living in the community.

Stakeholders are any organizations, individuals or businesses who are directly or indirectly affected by the activities of Globe Union, or who have an influence on our success.

Our stakeholders include:

Six Major Stakeholder Groups

Corporate Social Responsibility

As one of our Corporate Social Responsibility actions, we carried out an analysis of who are the most significant stakeholders in our work, and how they are affected by our business performance and management.

Our Corporate Social Responsibility report defines six major stakeholder groups who are of special importance to Globe Union:

Employees are the life-blood of our company. The success of our business depends upon the commitment and engagement of our employees to ensure the highest possible levels of quality and efficiency in our daily operations. 

Our goal is to create sustainable shareholder value while fulfilling the expectations of other stakeholders. The key to achieving this goal is a strong focus on financial performance, risk management, manufacturing innovation and efficiency.

We also focus on securing future competence, long-term development of supplier and customer relations, brand reputation and environmental sustainability to meet the changing requirements of global manufacturing and consumer trends.

We continuously work to improve our products based on the requirements of our customers, and to meet their specific needs through the provision of very high-quality, competitively priced products which are based on our cutting-edge technological and design innovations.

Our product development work focuses on providing our corporate customers with brands that are the best in the sector.

This enables them to maximize their profits while being secure in the knowledge that we are working toward the same goals for end user satisfaction.

To achieve the best possible results in manufacturing, it is necessary to have the highest quality of materials available, and reliable sources of supply.

Just as we expect quality and timely delivery of materials, our suppliers expect us to manage our relationship with them fairly and honestly, paying a fair price for their products, and respecting their requirements in terms of logistics management and sustainable business at low financial risk.

Suppliers and contractors rest more easily when they realize that our business is successful and sustainable.

This demonstrates that their contracts with us will continue to grow and ensure mutual benefits in turnover and profitability.

As a manufacturer of bathroom products, our relationship with government agencies as stakeholders is based on demonstrating that we achieve, and surpass, all regulatory requirements.

The fact that our research laboratories have become certified to carry out product testing to government standards is an indicator of how strong our relationship is with government agencies, and how trustworthy we are in our respect for government policies and procedures.

As a global business, we carry out financial transactions worldwide on a continuous basis.

In order to ensure the smooth flow of our operations, Globe Union maintains an excellent relationship with our banking providers, and provides all relevant information to them to enable rapid decisions to be made regarding financial management and investment priorities.

Stakeholder Engagement

Corporate Social Responsibility

Globe Union pursues sustainable management and development, and carries out stakeholder engagement in order to understand their needs and expectations.

We aim to achieve the following objectives in our stakeholder engagement:

  • To fully understand the issues of interest to our stakeholders
  • To continuously improve stakeholder satisfaction with our performance
  • To win the respect, trust and support from the stakeholders.
  • To demonstrate the achievements of Globe Union

We aim to build long-term, reliable, relationships because we recognize our stakeholders are our partners in future business success.

Identification, Communication and Cooperation

Building Relationships

Globe Union has systems in place to identify the interests and opinions of stakeholders, and builds relationships with stakeholders based on the influence of the individual stakeholder on Globe Union and the specific issues that are of most significance to them.

Our business departments have identified and categorized the issues of biggest concern to our stakeholders.

These issues are reported for assessment and analysis, and means of addressing them is included in our annual business strategy.

Engaging in Close Dialogues

Stakeholder issues are included in our management processes from day-to-day operations to annual plans.

We hope that by engaging different stakeholders in ways that are appropriate to their interests, and integrating this effectively into our plans, we will be able to employ our corporate resources to maintain mutually beneficial ‘win-win’ relationships.


Need Help?

For additional questions relating to stakeholders kindly fill out the contact form below and we will respond to your email within three business days.


    Contact Information

    Shareholder - Investor Relations:

    Customer – Products:



    Employee opinion:

    Practitioner Ethics -
    Internal Audit

    Shareholder - Investor Relations